Gross pollution trap with high-flow bypass
The Fox model BPT600 gross pollutant trap
Need stormwater runoff solutions? The Fox Enviro gross pollutant trap has a high-flow bypass. Learn about the model BPT600 pollutant trap below.
A “gross pollutant trap” is a baffled pollutant trap with a high flow by-pass. It is designed for use in carpark / driveways (open unroofed areas) where trash and other debris cannot be controlled or there is a potential for minor quantities of hydrocarbons spills. The Fox BPT Gross Pollutant Trap comes standard with a heavy duty Class ‘D’ grate and frame. Heavier classes can be supplied if required at an additional cost.
The Gross Pollutant Trap has a controlled flow rate through the silt basket where trash and silt are removed. Runoff then enters the main chamber and exits under the baffle, retaining any hydrocarbons that may be present. If the rain intensity exceeds the treatable flow rate the high flow by-pass allows excess runoff to exit directly via the baffle.
The Fox BPT600 Gross Pollutant Trap has an efficiency of greater than 99% for the capture and retention of silts and solids larger than .3mm. This exceeds most Councils requirements for a SQID (storm water quality improvement device).